Kategori: 4-CHRONICLE

Swedish Metal Militia's role in the world may seem very vague to some of you MetalHeads out there..
Ourselves, we see ourselves as ambassadors of the Swedish Metal scene.
We see ourselves as a light in the darkness. We sacrifice no goats for success.
We sacrifice time and commitment. Like most of the bands we follow.
We love all parts of the Swedish Metal scene and it will be good enough for us.
Sweden is fantastic.
This country of 9 million people produce so much Metal Music so we do not have time anymore to listen to other bands. But that dos´nt bothered us!
Because, when we dived into the Swedish music treasure we found so much delights so we can feed the World with Metal. Our role now is to show everyone who follows us that there is still a lot of undiscovered music in this country.
Metal of all genre´s produced all over the country and it is additionally damn good quality of much of what is coming. We are not going to sit here and beat our chest, believing that we are something in this backwater of Europe. But we can not conclude whats told abowe.
Naturally there´s produced fine metal everywhere on this flat earth (for it is flat, is´nt it?)
But we only have time with the Swedish. So help us out and just help yourself to what we have to offer.
We have followers in 24 countries on all continents. We must all pull together to promote the next great Swedish band like the ones before: Bathory, Amon Amarth, Dissection, Watain, At The Gates, Dark Tranquillity, Europe, The Haunted, Entombed, Candlemass, Opeth, Sabaton, Hammerfall, or In Flames.
Thanks for your support
And please chare with your friends ;)
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